Fiji Weather in December

Fiji Weather in December
Fiji Weather in December

What's the Weather Like in Fiji in December?

Celebrate the festive season in Fiji, where December brings warm temperatures and a festive atmosphere. With temperatures ranging from 23°C to 32°C (73°F to 90°F), the weather is perfect for beach days and outdoor festivities, with a mix of sunny days and tropical showers. Enjoy the sunshine and turquoise waters as you immerse yourself in the holiday spirit.
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Discover the unique traditions and events that make December in Fiji special. From Christmas celebrations to New Year's festivities, experience the warmth of Fijian hospitality during this joyous season. December in Fiji is a perfect time to create lasting memories with loved ones in our tropical paradise.


Average Temperature in Fiji in December

December in Fiji is characterized by warm temperatures, with an average ranging from 23°C to 32°C (73°F to 90°F), creating a festive and inviting atmosphere for holiday celebrations and tropical getaways.

Average Rainfall in Fiji in December

December in Fiji sees an increase in rainfall, with an average precipitation ranging from 166mm to 208mm. Despite occasional showers, the warm temperatures make for a perfect holiday getaway.

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Fiji Weather Guide